What is an “Unfold Session”?

What happens during birth is important, and left untouched in our hearts, minds, and bodies, birth trauma leaves us stuck.

Not everyone needs to hear about our birth, it’s important to share safely.

During an Unfold Session a mother gives a verbal retelling of what happened to her during birth and how it felt, in a space that is safe, and with myself, an individual that is trained to help the mother navigate anything that may come up.

Unfold Sessions can help to:

  • prevent postnatal mood disorders

  • provide you a safe place to release grief, anger, fear or whatever else you may be holding onto unconsciously

  • help your body to move out of fight or flight so that it can heal

  • gain valuable perspective for your postpartum journey

  • open up space to bond more deeply with your baby

  • enable self love and acceptance

  • safe guard your story so that the right person bears the weight of it

Unfold Sessions are recommended any time in the first year after birth, once you can safely and comfortably talk about birth. As a second option, some women find them helpful when preparing for a birth as well. They can be conducted both in person and virtually.

$80 for a 1-2 hour session.

Fill out the form below to book.